Also called Inkless Needling, this technique was originally developed as a more natural alternative to Ink Camouflage, as it does not use pigment, only colorless serum.
Inkless Treatment involves using a traditional tattoo gun and/or inkless needles to precisely target each individual stretch mark with non-pigmented skin-rejuvenating serum. This method involves precise needling within the borders of each stretch mark. The result is a less-visible stretch mark and improved skin texture in the treated area.
Treatment Benefits:
Reduces pigment contrast between stretch mark and surrounding skin
Reduces stretch marks 20-90% depending on severity and number of treatments.
Improves skin texture
Regenerates collagen and elastin
Treats all skin tones
No down time post-treatment
Priced per area
$500 first session
$400 each successive session
This treatment can be used for all stretch marks, including red, purple, and white-colored marks.

Scar Lightening is appropriate for dark scars and blemishes, and hyperpigmentation (dark spots). This treatment involves using a tattoo machine to place a custom blend of lightening serum directly into the dark parts of the scar.
Please note that the downtime for scar lightening is approximately 7 weeks.
Treatment Benefits:
Helps blend darker scars into the surrounding skin
Lightens and improves the overall appearance of dark scars
Priced per area
$100 - $200, depending on area
Also called Camouflage Tattooing or Skin-Color Tattooing, this method involves using a needle and pigment to place a customized ink color under the skin to camouflage your scar. This conceals the scar by blending it into the skin color of the surrounding area.
Please note that for this procedure to be effective, the scar must be
lighter than your natural skin color
at least 1 year old.
Treatment Benefits:
Helps conceal scars by blending them into the color of the surrounding skin
Improves the appearance of lighter-colored scars
Priced per area
$500 - $2,000, depending on area
One round of touch ups included with all paramedical tattoo services.


What is inkless tattooing?
Inkless tattooing involves precise needling within each individual stretch mark using a tattoo machine. I use a colorless serum formulated specifically for stretch marks, which helps improve texture, color, and elasticity of skin in the treated area. No color is used in this method.
Is inkless tattooing the same as microneedling?
No. Inkless tattooing is performed with a tattoo machine that has hundreds of needle configurations, whereas microneedling machines only have 2-3 needle configurations, which makes it more difficult to be precise.
Needle configurations are important because having the correct configuration ensures that I’m able to distribute product evenly within the affected area. Using a tattoo machine means I can work within small areas and not affect the surrounding skin.
What is camouflage tattooing?
Also known as skin-color tattooing or scar camouflage, camouflage tattooing is a precise method of tattooing during which I’ll place a specialized custom color ink to camouflage your scar. This technique involves using a needle and pigment to blend the scar into the natural skin surrounding the area.

3D Areola Restoration is a permanent solution for clients who’ve had any type of breast surgery. The process involves using a special tattooing technique to create the look of natural areolas and nipples.
Through this customizable treatment, we can restore the color, shape, and texture of your areolas to help you feel confident and whole within your body.
Treatment Benefits:
Emotional healing: After receiving 3D Areola Restoration treatment, many clients report feeling a sense of wholeness and restoration going well beyond the physical body. Our areolas and nipples are such an intimate part of us – seeing them recreated in a realistic way can provide an emotionally healing experience for those who have undergone breast surgery, cancer, or any other adversity.
Body Confidence: By restoring the areola and nipple through the unique tattooing process, we mimic the appearance of a natural breast or chest area. After seeing their new areolas and nipples, clients often feel an increased sense of body confidence. Reclaiming your body and having a symbol of recovery can be empowering and provide a positive step forward in your healing journey.
Completely Customizable: The 3D Areola Restoration tattooing process is gentle and customizable for each client. The precision and art of tattooing allows for the creation of realistic-looking areolas and nipples. If you do not have areolas and nipples, we can recreate the look of your previous areolas and nipples, or create a whole new look. If you do have areolas and nipples, we can match the color of the tattoo ink to your existing color, or we can darken the color.
Minimally-Invasive & No Downtime: 3D Areola Restoration is a non-surgical and minimally-invasive procedure, making it a safe option for clients who may not be eligible for further surgery, or those who simply prefer a less intrusive method to enhance their breast or chest appearance. Because areola tattooing is not invasive, you’ll have virtually no downtime after your procedure.